Raiden Densetsu / Raiden Trad
(existe en version JAP & US)

Codes Action Replay
7E1C 5x03 = infinies (x=7:bombes,9:vies)

Code Game Génie
B6BD-D76F       Both players start with 1 life
8BBD-D70F + 60BD-D76F   Both players start with 7 lives
8FBD-D70F + 62BD-D76F   Both players start with 9 lives
3CBD-DDD7       Infinite lives--player 1
3CB5-0467       Infinite lives--player 2
DDEF-0F1B       Both players are invincible
CEBF-D7AF + 62B4-DDDF   Player 1 starts with 0 bombs
91BF-D7AF + 6BB4-DDDF   Player 1 starts with 6 bombs
8FBF-D7AF + 62B4-DDDF   Player 1 starts with 9 bombs
CEB7-D7DF + 62B7-D70F   Player 2 starts with 0 bombs
91B7-D7DF + 6BB7-D70F   Player 2 starts with 6 bombs
8FB7-D7DF + 62B7-D70F   Player 2 starts with 9 bombs
CEB7-DFD7 + 62B7-DF07   Player 1 replacement planes carry 0 bombs
91B7-DFD7 + 6BB7-DF07   Player 1 replacement planes carry 6 bombs
8FB7-DFD7 + 62B7-DF07   Player 1 replacement planes carry 9 bombs
CEBC-0707 + 62BC-0767   Player 2 replacement planes carry 0 bombs
91BC-0707 + 6BBC-0767   Player 2 replacement planes carry 6 bombs
8FBC-0707 + 62BC-0767   Player 2 replacement planes carry 9 bombs
EDE8-67A4 + D9EA-6DD4 + 3CEA-6D04 + 23EA-6DA4     Infinite bombs--player 1
2DE8-67A4 + D9EA-6DD4 + 3CEA-6D04 + 23EA-6DA4     Infinite bombs--player 2
3CEA-6D64       Infinite bombs--both players
D4BF-6F6F       Start with 3 credits
D7BF-6F6F       Start with 4 credits
D9BF-6F6F       Start with 6 credits
D5BF-6F6F       Start with 8 credits
DBBF-6F6F       Start with 10 credits
DDBF-6F6F       Start with 1 credit